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الجمعة، 27 مايو 2016

Some WW3 Predictions Are Rather Outlandish

By Carl Stevens

There are many people talking about a third world war. It often makes for compelling news and, certainly, a good story to read in a book. There are as many theories as there are people telling them and many people fall for them who should know better. The best WW3 Predictions all have, at their core, a distinct misunderstanding of human nature and the role people must have in their government, which means they will never prove to be as accurate as they want you to believe.

The vast majority of these rumors come from the current events in which everyone is involved. There are, of course, the problems coming from the Middle East. This has some credibility because of the nuclear capabilities we have allowed them to have, along with the freeing up of their financial sanctions. That does not even mention their stated desire to conquer the entire world. The placing of a world war three instigation does have little authenticity.

Many people have decided that the Bible tells about the nations of China and Russia going at it which will, inevitably bring everyone else into it. Some interpretations seem to imply that, of all people, the Antichrist will be the precursor to this world wide conflagration. Many of these rumors will tell us all, if we are listening carefully, who this is and why they know this.

Some of the most insane ideas come form people who believe that, under it all, is the United States. They believe that there can not be a war mentality unless the USA decides that is the way to go. Others feel that every other nation will only do what they do because of America.

There is the unwillingness of conspiracy buffs to believe that one nation can both dislike war and also be able to prosecute one and not have the intentions of conquering them. In the next war to end all wars, the results will, by the very nature of the technology available, take us back to the extremely dark ages. This means the complete destruction of the technology, along with the ability to have another world war for many, many years if ever.

When war occurs, throughout history, it almost always comes from those who do not provide freedom to their. Their command economy, their command social structure and their unwillingness to believe that man is, by nature, created equal. This means a tyrannical government and structure that brooks no decent and needs to spread that to all other nations.

These individual people or nations think that war is something that only stupid people get involved with. They try, at first, with diplomacy, but it will always backfire. This is because there is no common sense involved in it. They do not understand people, they do not understand economic and this leads to confrontation with others, like themselves that want what they want and not what is best for the world.

Some say that World War Three will start as soon as there are enough nations who truly believe they have the answers to all of the problems with all of the countries around them. They are the ones that know that, if they are simply given command of everything, it will be Utopia. These are the ones to watch when trying to decide, for yourself, when this event will occur.

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