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الجمعة، 27 مايو 2016

Hire Classroom Volunteers To Introduce Learning Songs For Kindergarten And 1st Grade Students

By Cynthia Young

The move from kindergarten to the next step up is a big one. Children have a lot to get used to when starting first grade, and it can be a stressed filled moment for both the child and parent. Depending on the school your children are enrolled in, they might have to get adjusted from learning songs for kindergarten and 1st grade to longer hours, and increased homework, classwork, and responsibilities.

Point out to the child how their community, various professionals, sports teams and home environment depend on these subjects to operate smoothly. Show them the business and sports sections of the newspaper which usually contain information on each subject.

If you are interested in volunteering, talk to your childs teacher or the administrative department at the school. Before you can work in a school, you will have paperwork that needs to be filled out. You will also have to have a police background check.

It is a standard for those working in the education field to go through some type of criminal check this goes for volunteers as well. People who have certain convictions against them will not be allowed to work around children. So, do not write the idea off right away there are many things that can be done. However, if you have a conviction, it is best to be upfront about this before the report comes back.

Children find it fun to ask questions to people who work in certain fields. If you know someone that works in a science field introduce them to the child so that they can ask questions. There is not greater way for someone to learn than from those who know the field. Most children find it really amazing to talk to professionals, especially those dressed in certain type uniforms.

Talk with educators to find out what can be done at home to get a child headed in the right learning direction. Have children practice with items that find around the home, they use magnets on the fridge and even rocks to help solve math problems at home. It is a good idea to continue using the same tools that are being used in the classroom.

Most first graders are expected to read for a certain amount of time each night. It is understandable if your child is not the best reader at the first grade level; they are still learning new words at this age. However, you can help them read and have fun doing it. Select a few books that you feel a child will enjoy.

Children have so much in school now but teachers find that they need help in the classroom because they just cannot do it all. It is important for parents to get involved. Children who have parents that volunteer are more likely to do well in the classroom. It has to be a joint effort between the teachers and parents in order to give a child the best education possible.

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