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الاثنين، 9 مايو 2016

Essential Disabled Veterans Assistance Tips

By Jessica Nelson

The most trying of times for our soldiers is when they return home. In most cases our troops come home, and that is when the real war begins. Returning soldiers are often faced with an uphill task as they try to adjust their lives as civilians. The problems are so dire and intense some soldiers choose to end their lives. Here is an article about how to give disabled veterans assistance.

Severe injuries exacerbate the problems of the returning soldiers ten-fold. For the unfortunate lot among the soldiers who suffered injuries resulting in loss of an arm, life becomes a hellish nightmare. Without essential limbs, the soldiers lack the confidence and the courage to live as healthy individuals. Some soldiers have even ended up splitting with their loved ones after coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Veterans regularly require all sorts of help and assistance to get their lives back to the way they used to be. They need financial support and even psychological help.

One of the most disturbing the veterans have to put up with is known as post-traumatic stress syndrome. PTSD, as it is abbreviated, is a real menace with the veterans, and if not treated and managed then it can lead to untold harm and danger. Some horror tales have emerged about how PTSD got so out of hand that the veterans resorted to hurting themselves and those close to them.

Some veterans do not even have a decent and proper housing to put up in. How can they be able to afford a house when they have zero income to enable them to pay their rents? The only way out for them becomes putting up on the cold streets, under bridges, and on the subways.

Some homeless veterans are picked up by good Samaritans and well-wishers who put them up in an orphanage of sorts. These temporary shelters are only able to provide them with scanty resources which are barely enough and sufficient to keep them happy and comfortable. It is not fair how our servicemen go to extreme lengths to keep our country safe from all manner of harm and danger yet the nation repays them with neglect.

The government has tried to come up with a workable solution for this menace of a problem ailing America. They have attempted to pass bills and legislation that aim to protect and safeguard the interests and welfare of the returning veterans. The efforts of the governments have so far yielded little fruits. The VA bill is yet to make any meaningful impact on the lives of the thousands of destitute and abandoned soldiers.

It is our moral duty as civilians to do all we possibly can to bail out this lot of individuals. We can help them by donating to them our clothes, giving them food to eat and if possible trading in our frequent flyer miles and allowing them to fly to their dream destinations come the next holiday.

Landlords are encouraged to cut the returning veterans some slack when it comes to their unpaid dues. They get incentives in the form of tax reliefs from the governments if they can prove they are indeed helping the cause by maybe reducing the rents of the veterans. Saying thank you is without a doubt the most profound way we can genuinely express our gratitude to the veterans for their invaluable services.

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