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السبت، 24 ديسمبر 2016

What The Homeschooling Programs Houston TX Residents Use Accomplishes

By Janet Jackson

There are many parents, across the country that have little faith in the ability of the government run schools to educate their kids. This means that these parents want either religiously based schooling or something that does not resemble indoctrination of their children. When Lone Star State parents get these ideas, the homeschooling programs Houston TX folks use make sure their charges are educated appropriately.

One of the biggest problems, many find, in regular state run schooling is the lack of fact based teaching. Many parents do not want their children to be taught about climate change, global warming or the environment. This is because many of the teachings do not observe pier reviewed work. It is, primarily, propaganda that is foisted upon kids who do not have the basics to inform them.

It is not just what is taught, but how the teaching takes place. Whole word reading, common core, which is anything but, and outcome based education make no sense when education is important. These are wrong methods for imparting knowledge. Most parents know this and it is demonstrable in practice.

The lesson plans, along with the curriculum, should be developed by educators who are trained in the area concerned. Math teachers should develop math classes, Science teachers should develop science classes. When you have most lessons designed by behavior scientists, you are not imparting wisdom but simply compelling the kids to follow socially acceptable ways of behaving.

Teaching to the test is something that is happening, more and more. If they actually did that, there would be some teaching going on. The classes that happen, now, in public and some charter schools, have no relation on the things the students need in their daily life, much less as they mature into adults.

It is critical that geography is taught, without the teacher telling their students that some areas of the world are better because of some politically correct way of life. Math is better taught by teaching how to treat each number as a symbol of a value, not as a way to hammer on how the rich make more money and how unfair it is. Politics make up much of the days work in most standard state run classrooms. This is seen totally unnecessary and absolutely damaging.

Math should be math and reading should be reading. There is knowledge in creating the right math equation to find the answer and reading should be accomplished for fun, knowledge and to get an idea about something. All subjects should be prepared, presented and acknowledged as helping the students prepare for their life in the workforce.

When most school administrations do not require teachers to be certified, or even knowledgeable about the subjects they teach, they do a great disservice to everyone. Houston TX Parents want their kids to be aware of many things and all of it with a open mind that allows for learning the basics, first. They then want their youngsters to get more and more advanced learning. They believe they are in the best position to do this as the state has, largely, failed in this.

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