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الأحد، 10 يوليو 2016

Some Basic Methods Of VAP Prevention

By Ruth Wilson

VAP basically refers to ventilator associated pneumonia which usually infects the lungs of a person especially if he is on a ventilator. Ventilator is a type of a machine that is mostly used in assisting patients to breathe using a tube which is typically placed on their mouth or on their noses or at times through a hole located in the neck region. This infection occurs essentially when a germ actually enters the tube and its then transferred to the lungs of a patient. In modern world many organization have come up to create awareness on methods of VAP prevention.

Although this infection possesses several risk factors, basically the intervention of nursing care measures can significantly help in the reduction of the disease incidences. Basically nurses become the first line people to inhibit the bacteria colonization especially in the oropharynx as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally there is usually the need of wearing gloves when nurses are in the positions of coming into contact with either the endotracheal or the oral sections.

It has also been recommended that a sign needs to be strategically placed on the doors of the patients so as to remind all possible health workers to actually wash as well as wearing gloves while handling patients in order to reduce the chances of infection spreading. Basically using gowns as protective means is not mostly advocated for but at times they need to be used especially when antibiotic pathogens have actually been identified and isolated as well.

It has been viewed that for nurses to be in a better position to assist their patient not to acquire this type of infection they actually need to understand the way this infection occurs, the prevention guidelines as well as the reasons why it is necessary to follow such guidelines. One of the deterrent strategies is the management of the air way.

On the other hand pharmacological intervention includes using the antimicrobial agents. Basically these combination use of these methods are meant to actually decrease all possible likelihoods of the colonization of the oropharynx. At times mucus can actually become stagnated and can actually serve as a medium of growth of bacteria.it is therefore advisable to actually maintain an aseptic method when specifically doing the endotracheal suctioning. This is actually very important in the prevention of airways contaminations.

Another possible strategy is through a method called gastric reflux prevention. Basically most of the patients usually possess nasogastric tubes which are meant to predispose them to a gastric reflux. This actually increases the chances of risk of aspiration. An important strategy is to actually inhibit gastric reflux which is mostly controlled by nurses often regarded to as patient poisoning.

Unless for medical reasons the bed of any patient is actually recommended to remain elevated to about forty degrees all the time. Basically simple strategies of prevention helps a lot in reducing the incidences of patients getting infected. Equipment maintenance is another method which need to be employed in controlling the infection.

It is also recommendable to actually position patients in a semi-recumbent position. This is a position in which the head of the bed is mostly elevated to about thirty degrees in order to actually prevent reflux as well as the aspiration of bacteria specifically from their stomach into airways.

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