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الخميس، 7 يوليو 2016

Early Signs Of Autism To Look Out For And How To Proceed From There

By Joshua Collins

Every parent would want to have a healthy and happy baby. However, sometimes this may not be the case. Your baby might have a physical or mental disorder, which can make life a bit more difficult for both the baby and the parent. Knowing the early signs of autism will help you monitor your child, and allow you to get them treatment in good time.

A few years ago, nobody knew exactly what caused autism. However, over time scientists were able to pinpoint a number of genetic mutations, as well as some environmental factors which lead to the condition. It was also noted that there are a number of variations of the disorder. This means that an autistic child could fall anywhere on the spectrum.

There are a number of signs, which can alert you to this condition. These may affect how the child behaves, how they communicate and even how they interact with others. Things like constantly flapping their hands, not looking at you when you speak, not responding and doing one action repeatedly, are some common signs. You might also notice that the kid may not speak to you, or have any signs of empathy.

As a parent in case, you have any fears about the health of your baby you should take them to a good pediatrician in Dallas, Texas. Here they can run some tests in order to know what is wrong. Dealing with the initial news may be quite stressful and overwhelming. You can make this easier by doing some research on the condition, and even talking to other people who have raised autistic children.

People tend to relate autistic children with tantrums and meltdowns. However, you will find that most of these children are actually well behaved, and all most of their outbursts have a reason. They may be having difficulties communicated or may be in a place that overstimulates them. The best way to deal with this is to encourage your child to express themselves, and to avoid places like carnivores or shopping malls, which can frustrate them.

Self-injury is another thing, which you need to learn how to deal with. Some of these children may scratch or even bang themselves against a wall, till they get hurt. Once you notice this kind of behavior, you will need to offer them other ways to get that stimulation. This can be rubbing their skin with a soft brush, or giving them weighted vests.

You might have to start putting aside extra money in order to send your kid to a special school. Children on one side of the spectrum may be slightly uncomfortable staying with other children, but with time they can learn how to fit in. With those on the opposite side of the spectrum, you will have to take them to a special school, where the teachers know how to deal with their behaviors.

Sometimes, you might feel overwhelmed by their behaviors or unresponsive nature. However, you need to keep reminding yourself that it is not that they do not want to communicate it is that they do not know how to go about it. With a lot of patience, love, and support your child can grow into a reasonably well-adjusted adult.

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