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الأحد، 3 يوليو 2016

ADHD In Children Is No Longer A Debilitating Condition

By Gary Young

In years gone by parents and teachers were often bewildered and and even angered by kids that performed poorly at school, that disrupted households, that exhibited aggressive behaviour and that appeared to be plain unruly and naughty. Little did they know that many of those kids suffered from a medical condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In Dallas, for example, ADHD in children can be diagnosed at a very early age and a treatment plan can be implemented.

This condition, also known as ADD, manifest itself in a variety of symptoms. Most kids with ADD struggle to concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time. Many patients tend to talk incessantly and they often fail to complete tasks before becoming engrossed in something else. Many patients display aggressive and disruptive behaviour, sometimes to the point where their behaviour van only be described as anti social.

Parents often think that the treatment of ADD simply involves the prescription of a drug such as the well known Ritalin. They think that the drug will control the condition and that the symptoms will disappear. This is unfortunately not the case. Drugs do help to control some of the symptoms of ADD but by no means all of them. Then there is also the fact that many youngsters suffer from severe side effects.

Almost all integrated treatment plans for youngsters with ADD include some form of regular exercise. Exercise raises the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. This not only immediately improve the mood of the patient but it also helps to improve his ability to concentrate for longer periods. ADD patients should exercise for at least half an hour each day, preferably out of doors.

Quality sleep is vitally important for youngsters suffering from ADD. Many patients are insomniacs and their symptoms are aggravated by the lack of quality sleep. Parents need to make sure that sufferers have a strict routine for going to bed and for waking up in the morning. Their rooms should be dark and they should not be watching television or play with a computer, for example, for at least a half hour prior to bed time.

A balanced diet plays a vital role in the successful management of ADD. It is common for ADD patients to avoid food for long periods only to then binge on anything they can lay their hands on. Instead, parents should make sure that their kids eat several smaller meals each day. Each meal should include some protein. Fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as fish such as sardines and tuna are all highly recommended.

Kids that understand their condition are more likely to cooperate in their treatment programs. That is why some form of counselling is often extremely beneficial. A counsellor can help the child to implement strategies that will prevent symptoms from developing and that will help him to cope with his symptoms. Yoga and meditation have also been proven to help patients to focus and to improve their concentration.

When kids struggle to learn or when their behaviour becomes destructive parents need to realize that they may suffer from ADD. Such kids need to be diagnosed as early as possible. The sooner a balanced treatment program is put in place the better the chances for the child to lead a normal, productive and happy life.

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